Saturday, July 17, 2010

I am a genius!!!

The Shower Incident
England is cold. It is just a fact of life. Lately it has been semi-warm. The temperature has lingered around 70, which has been a blessing from the Lord for me (seriously). Since Wednesday the temperature has dropped to around 63 or somewhere near there lower when the sun isn't shining plus the wind has kicked up (actually it never died down).

I wake up 6:30 A.M. not super excited about h
aving to drag myself all the way downstairs to take a shower so I can drag myself all the way to the bus stop with wet hair, all the while the wind is blowing like a hurricane off the coast of Florida.

I give in and walk downstairs. Turn the water on and it is just not cutting it for warmth. This is one of those mornings that you would gladly welcome a little sting as long as it meant your bones would warm a little. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the Button's shower has decided to give in. Let me explain the fixtures are currently temporarily unadjustable. So basically a nice medium warm temperature is picked and thats it. It is unchangeable unless you know where the pliers are, and I don't, and their gone for a while.
(please note the color coordinated kno
bs on top and bottom)

This is fine most days, but today its cold.
There are four handles for water. One hot and one cold for the bottom, which I have no idea why they are there, because there is not tub attached, but whatever. One hot and one cold for the actual shower nozzle up top. I reach down and turn the bottom hot on seeing if I can warm the top water up, and no that was a complete fail. Freezing cold water comes rushing down on my head as I nearly choke myself on the shower curtain trying to get out of the way. This "failure" however has lead to great discovery! So I turn the bottom cold on and then hot water comes out of the top. Just a little too hot if you know what I mean, but as I said before even a little sting is welcome at this point. A small adjustment and its smooth HOT sailing from there on. I am a genius! Hot showers for all. Praise the Lord. I spent the rest of my shower contorting my body as to remain in the hot water, but avoid the ever growing puddle of freezing water at my feet. No worries, it was great adventurous start to the day. I say this with all seriousness. So if ever your shower is being uncooperative just turn on cold water somewhere else. Happy Showering!

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